Set Up System Maintenance

Perform initial setup of the System Maintenance tool.

Add User to the Staff Table

If you are logged in as the Administrator and can access the System Maintenance tool then skip this section and continue with Add Server to Services Table.

If you are not logged into your server as the Administrator then you cannot access the System Maintenance tool at this point of the installation process.

To gain access to the System Maintenance tool as the currently logged in user, add the user to the Staff table:

  1. Open, F:\Common\G_Support\G_Staff in Notepad.

    You should see the following:

  2. Copy and paste the row onto a new line so you see the following:

  3. Change ADMINISTRATOR on the 2nd row to the name of the currently logged in account.

    For example, if you are Jim Walton logged in as JWALTON then change to:

    The words are separated by a single tab. Do not use spaces.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Open a Command prompt and type:


If the ENPS processes are not running then launch NOM Watcher. If they are running then select News Object Manager (NOM) > File > Reload global tables.

You can now launch the System Maintenance tool using the logged in account.

Add Server to Services Table

Add an entry in the Services table for the newly built ENPS server.

Also see SignalR for related information.

Add Server to Servers Table

Add an entry for the server into the Servers table.

Set Global Configuration Options

Consider adding the following settings in the Global Configuration Options table:


Suggested Value



1 = Enabled

Makes durations in SOTs and PKGs appear in HH:MM:SS format instead of HH’MM”SS.


1 = Enabled

Allow users to open documents from network locations.


1 = Enabled

For adding documents to background columns.



Number of lines in a Rundown in the ENPS Client before a size warning is displayed.

General rule of thumb is 225 or less.


1 = Enabled

Times out show based on estimated duration.

Note: RundownTimeEstimated=1 is the setting used most by Americas sites. Non-Americas sites routinely use RundownTimeEstimated=0



Default number of characters per second to use as a read rate for timing stories.


10 to 15

Number of item references a user may add to a story before the client displays a warning message. Users will not be prevented from going over this threshold.

Performance issues may occur if this value is above 10. Do not set this value higher than 15.

Next Steps

Server setup is complete!

If you haven't done so already, configure your Buddy Server by performing these Install instructions again, starting with Install ENPS.

When you’re done setting up your Buddy Server, launch the System Maintenance tool again on your Primary Server and add the Buddy Server to the Services and Servers tables. Then on both servers reset IIS and bump the NOM so that the servers can see each other.

To configure an ENPS Mobile server, see the ENPS Mobile Admin Guide on this documentation site.

If you've finished installing all servers then move on to Install Client.