Global Configuration Options

Use these options to control how ENPS Clients works at your site.

Restart ENPS Clients and the News Object Manager (NOM) on the Primary Server for any changes you make to take effect.

Accessing the Table

To access the Global Configuration Options table:

  1. Open the System Maintenance tool:

    • Select Start > Associated Press > ENPS System Maintenance .


    • Open the ENPS Client and select > File > Options > ENPS System Maintenance.

  2. Click on Global Configuration Options in the Settings list.






0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether the duration of MOS objects is used in calculating a story's actual time. By default, MOSObjectTime is not included in the calculation of a story's actual time. If this setting is enabled the actual time reflects the sum of the following values:

  • Text time
  • Manually entered durations of media objects in the story
  • The length of a clip which can be found in the MOS Object Time column in the Rundown.
  • MOS Editorial Time for a MOS object if the vendor lets users specify it. For voiceovers, the MOS Editorial Time should be set to :00 to reflect correct total time.

Users can override this setting in the properties of an individual Rundown.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether users are added, disabled and reactivated using ENPS/Active Directory integration rather than in the System Maintenance tool.

This setting must not be added manually.

Delete this setting to remove integration.

See Active Directory Integration for more information.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Give users the option to view stories in two column mode.




If the ExternalDocuments setting is enabled, this setting allows you to specify a comma-delimited list of extensions that can be added to a collection field. These extensions cannot include executable files (e.g. exe, msi, bin, vbs, or js,) or any file type specified in one of the following Global Configuration settings:

  • MOSStillFileExtensions
  • MOSVideoFileExtensions
  • MOSAudioFileExtensions

If no extensions are specified by AllowedExternalDocs, any document that conforms to the above conditions can be added to a collection field.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Minimum

29 = Maximum

Number of days after a broadcast when Rundowns and Planning Grids are archived according to their AutoArchive settings.

By default archiving occurs at 2:00am although this time can be changed by opening NOM Maintenance (Maint) and selecting Window > Folder Info.

Since ENPS automatically deletes Rundowns that are more than 30 days old this setting must be set to a value less than 30.




Four letter dialect code. Local dialects take precedence over the BaseLanguage setting.

See Language Resources to find the dialect code for your local language.




Two letter language code for ENPS labels, menus and fields.

See Language Resources to find your local language code.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Control whether the ENPS Client uses case-sensitive MOS IDs.

You can disable this setting for backward compatibility.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Enable Security Profiles.

Refer to Groups for more information.



Sites that use Chinese as their primary language should set this to NEUTRAL to ensure that Forward Search and highlighting work correctly.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Use a colon in the duration length in stories. Durations would be displayed as 1:30 instead of 1'30".


ENPS = (default)

The local fields table is by default labelled 'ENPS Fields'. Set CorpID to use a different label, followed by 'Fields'.

For example, set to ABC to set the local field table label to ABC Fields.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Configure the server to be a Central Text Object Server (CTOS).

Servers set to be CTOS cannot be used for broadcasting.


Do not modify.

Used to generate the license key.


Should be set to 2.6.

Version of the MOS protocol used for communicating with any MOS device for which a specific value is not entered in the MOS Configuration Table.


18 = (default)

Default number of characters per second to use as a read rate for timing stories.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Enable a column in Rundowns called Commercial.

When the user clicks on a cell it is highlighted in red. This setting also enables the Hide Empty Commercial Breaks option on the Rundown ribbon, which allows the user to hide any rows marked as Commercials that have no associated text or media.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Allow users to open documents from network locations.

Files with extensions TXT, DOC and RTF can be imported into the ENPS Client as new stories. Files with other extensions, such as PDF, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, etc., can be opened but not imported.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Allow users to associate specific levels of approval with security levels.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether multiple approvals will be required before an item is cleared for broadcast.

Enables use of the Approval Extensions setting in the Security table.




ID provided by AP and used by the Cloud Licensing service.

Only present/required if Cloud Licensing is enabled.


0 = (default)

Allows users to set the maximum duration a story can have (in milliseconds) before the Actual Time is used in place of Estimated Time in Rundown timing calculations.

For example, if RundownTimeEstimated is 0 and EstimatedTimeThreshold is 500, any story with a total calculated time of under half of a second will be timed in the Rundown based on its Estimated Time, not its Actual Time.

This does not apply to manually-entered values in the Actual Time column - these will always be used regardless of the value of EstimatedTimeThreshold.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Allows users to drag external documents into a collection field, such as the Background column in a Planning Grid or the Links pane in a Storyboard.

Almost any type of file may be dragged into these locations except for executable files (such as .exe, .msi, .bin, .vbs, or .js,) or any file type specified in one of the following Global Configuration Options:

  • MOSStillFileExtensions
  • MOSVideoFileExtensions
  • MOSAudioFileExtensions

Files included in those settings may only be added as MOS Item References.

You can limit users to adding only specific extensions using the AllowedExternalDocs setting, though you cannot use this setting to bypass any of the restrictions listed above.

The maximum file size for documents can be set using the MaxExternalDocSize setting.

When a user opens a linked external item, it will launch with the default program registered for that extension in Windows, just as it would if you opened the item from Windows Explorer. If no program is registered on the workstation for a specific file extension, the ENPS Client will attempt to open the file in the ENPS Web Browser. If a file is opened in the ENPS Web Browser, users will always be prompted to save their changes, regardless of whether or not any changes have actually been made.


Tahoma or Arial

Font to use if the ENPS Client is unable to render a Farsi language character with the current font. This value can be set to either Tahoma or Arial, either of which work with all Farsi characters. This setting also takes effect if the font specified in a story is not available on the client workstation.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Highlighting matches for search criteria is done on the client rather than the server. Disabling this option may slow performance. This option is not available in all languages.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether FTP paths are supported in stories, Rundowns and Planning Grids. In a story users will then be able to open paths such as file://c:\temp.

See also FTPDetect and UNCDetect settings.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Force ENPS logins to use SSO rather than Active Directory.

This disables the Windows login options in the ENPS client and ENPS mobile.

See the Single Sign-On Providerstable for more information on SSO.

To configure specific workstations to ignore this global setting, enable the Override ForceLoginWithSSO setting in the MAC Addresses table.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Controls how fields in a Planning Grid are formatted when they are exported to a MOS device.

If this setting is enabled the field’s value will be exported using the MOS protocol's date and time format.

The field's Validation column must be set to MOSDateTime to enable exporting the field to a MOS device.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether FTP paths are supported in stories, Rundowns and Planning Grids. If this setting is enabled users will be able to open paths with the format:

See also FileDetect and UNCDetect settings.



URL of the Cloud Licensing service instance.

Only present/required if Cloud Licensing is enabled.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Controls whether the ENPS Client retrieves the entire staff list when it starts. If you have a large staff list and want to save server resources you can disable this option.


500000 = (default)

3000000 = Maximum

Restrict the maximum size of external documents that are added to a collection field.

Refer to the setting ExternalDocuments for more information.


500 = (default)

ENPS stores, within the mosObj file, a link to each story in which a MOS Object is referenced. This property determines the maximum number of story links that will be retained.


10 = (default)

Specifies the maximum number of servers that can be included in a multi-server search.


Value pre-configured by the Platform Installer.

Key required to ensure that message alerts work in the ENPS iOS app


Value pre-configured by the Platform Installer.

Key required to ensure that message alerts work in the ENPS Android app


1 = Minimum

Number of days after a show’s Start Date when the Rundown or Planning Grid will be MOS-deactivated.




Comma delimited list of what extensions should be treated as audio files. Do not include spaces or periods.





Comma-delimited list of the media types that can be displayed that can be previewed in the Story Media Viewer. For ENPS 8 or later, this would include any extensions supported by the VLC Media Player are valid for this setting. If an extension is not in this list it will not be possible to preview it.

Extensions should be ordered based on which file type should be previewed if a media item reference contains more than one type of proxy. For example, if a media item contains both .WMV and .MOV proxies, only the MOV proxy can be previewed if MOV appears ahead of WMV in this list.

If JPG is the first item in the list then you will only be able to view JPG proxies in the Story Media Viewer regardless of what other proxy formats exist in the item reference. If you want to be able to view additional formats when you click the play button you should list those formats before JPG in the list.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Allow users to make changes to MOS channels in the Rundown when a story is locked for editing. If this option is enabled and a channel is assigned to a MOS Item Reference a buffered channel will be assigned as soon as the story is saved.


1500 = (default)

MOS Item References in a story that are longer than the specified number of characters will be logged to C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ALL USERS\ APPLICATION DATA\ENPS\MOSITEMREF.LOG on the client workstation.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Specify this option if MOS Item References in the ENPS Client are corrupted by Unicode characters from certain international character sets when ActiveX plugins update MOS Item References.


10 = (default)

Number of item references a user may add to a story before the client displays a warning message. Users will not be prevented from going over this threshold.


60 = (default)

1200 = Maximum

Default number of seconds after a Rundown's MOS Control Active property is selected that the ENPS Client allows external MOS devices to place a temporary "lease" on stories to create new material or update existing material. This option requires MOS version 2.82 or higher.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

When set to 1, the MOS Allow field is exposed in the Rundown properties. This allows users with sufficient privileges to select, from a dropdown list, which MOS systems the Rundown will send roConstruction messages to.

If no entries are selected in the MOS Allow list all MOS devices will be allowed. If a new MOS device is installed at your site it will have to be manually added to the MOS Allow list in every Rundown.

If MOSROAllow is disabled all MOS Allow settings will be ignored and any Rundown will be able to use any MOS device. See also "MOS Block".


0 = Do not show group messages (default)

1 = Minimum

999 = Maximum

Number of days that unread group messages will be displayed in users' List Windows at startup. By default, this option is disabled and new group messages will not be displayed regardless of the date they were posted. This value must be enabled for users to view Group Messages in the Dashboard.


10 = (default)

Number of items that can be added to a Planning Grid's Collection field before a warning appears.


70 = (default)

Maximum number of items that can be added to a Planning Grid before a warning appears. Although there is no limit for the number of items allowed in Planning Grids, grids that contain extremely large numbers of items can be difficult to open and maintain. The warning message appears after the user inserts a new item or copies lines from another Planning Grid.


01:00 = Default for existing installations

12:00 = Suggested value and default for new installations

Notional start time associated with the Planning Grid. This is useful if the server is located in a different time zone than the users. Using a setting of 12:00 users can be +/- 12 hours away from the server hosting the data and still see the grids set to the same date.


Do not modify this field unless directed to do so by ENPS Support.

Number used by ENPS Support to generate your license key.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Condenses multiple blank spaces in MOS Item References to a single space.


10 = (default)

If your site uses an automation system and it advances the timing bar in a Rundown you can "protect" a number of seconds at the end of the item. During this time items cannot be dragged immediately below the item with the PLAY status.

For example, if OnAirDragDropProtection is set to a value of 10 the protection is enforced after a one minute clip has been playing for 50 seconds.

This setting is only applicable if the Prevent Manual Bar Rundown property has been set.


URL of the User Guide that is opened when a user presses F1 in the client.


URL of the Operations Guide that is opened when a user presses F1 in some server applications.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

To prevent Generic Grids from printing larger than they need to, the padding is removed. Should your print driver result in clipped Grid text, this padding can be re-added by enabling this option.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

If Rundown text is clipped in printouts this option enables this option to add extra padding to the print margins.


0 = Disabled (default)

Limit the number of items users can keep in their personal folders. If a user exceeds the number of items set in this option a warning message will be displayed.

See also PersonalSpaceThreshold.


0 = Disabled (default)


Maximum size of a user's personal folder in kilobytes. If a user exceeds the specified amount a warning message will be displayed.

See also PersonalCountThreshold.


URL of the online Playbook help files.

Not relevant to ENPS.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Add line feeds to prompter output wherever MOS Item References are listed in Rundowns and Planning Grids.


The suggested values are:


This eliminates standard punctuation characters.

Characters that should be ignored during a story's read-time calculation. By default spaces, carriage returns, line feeds and other punctuation characters are excluded. The characters must be listed in hex format with character ranges indicated by hyphens. Ranges must be separated by commas.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled


If a MOS Item Reference is created in a Rundown by the Object Autocreate function then moved below the story black line another Object Autocreate message will be issued. Enable this setting to override this behavior. The itemID of a summary item, normally 1, will automatically be changed to the next-highest available item ID when the item is moved below the black line.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Change the name of legacy CG commands. Enable this option to use the Find/Replace option to change the name of non-MOS CG commands.

This is not advised for general use and should be used with great care.

Replacing the template name with a non-existent name could cause the wrong or no graphic to be displayed on screen.

The recommended approach to changing serial CGs is to double-clickand edit each individual graphic.


0 = PageNumber (default)

1 = ItemNumber

Default first column for Rundown layouts: Page Number or Item Number.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Controls how a MOS Item Reference's <itemSlug> tag is interpreted when an item is dragged from a story or ActiveX plugin into a story with a Chinese language slug. By default, the ENPS Client will attempt to automatically correct the reference's value. Disable this option if you want to keep the tag's value unchanged.


125 = (default)

Number of lines in a Rundown for the ENPS Client before a size warning is displayed. This message appears when an applicable Rundown is opened, a user inserts a new line or lines from another Rundown are added.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Send MOS roStorySend messages for all stories in a Rundown whenever the page is frozen or unfrozen.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled


Use alternate print engine for Right-to-Left printing of languages such as Arabic. Enabling this setting may resolve issues with printing on some systems.


0 = Pages numbered sequentially

1 = Page numbered with alphabetic prefixes (default)

Specify whether Rundown pages are numbered sequentially (1,2,3…) or with alphabetic prefixes (A1, A2, A3...). Users can override the Global Configuration setting in a Rundown by selecting the Rundown Numeric Pages option in the Rundown properties.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Force the system default layout to contain the fields Page Number and Break. This setting makes it impossible to remove the Page field from the Rundown.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Configure Rundown timing to use the Estimated time rather than the actual time. If disabled, the Rundown will be timed based on Estimated time until the user saves a draft of a story or enters a time in the Actual column. See also EstimatedTimeThreshold.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Retain security settings for archived Rundowns. If this setting is disabled all users will have access to everything in archived Rundowns. If this setting is enabled users who lack rights to non-approved stories in an in-progress Rundown will also be denied access to it when the Rundown is archived.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Controls how the ENPS Client sends checklist fields to MOS devices. If this setting is disabled the text is sent as the value of the relevant MOS tag in a semicolon-delimited list such as:


If this setting is enabled checklist fields will be sent as an attribute of the MOS tag with the checklist positions in the tag's value, such as:

<test DisplayValue="red;blue;white">1;2;3</test>

This format was used in earlier versions of the ENPS Client and may be required by some MOS devices.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Prevent the ENPS Client from displaying error messages. Once disabled, errors appear only in the Windows Event Viewer and not on the client.


0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

Display the options that pertain to ENPS 8 in the ENPS 6 client. This option allows later builds of the ENPS 6 client to show new System Maintenance tables and columns that only relate to ENPS 8 and which are not for use with ENPS 6.


Do not modify this field.

Your ENPS license key.


To enable enter the string provided by the ActiveX provider. For example:


Use approved third-party ActiveX spell check plugins instead of the default spell check tool included with the ENPS Client. You will need to register the ActiveX on any workstations where it will be used.

The spell check option will appear from the story rover menu or the spell-check option on the Story ribbon.

Use of a third-party speller replaces all built-in spelling functionality in the ENPS Client including the standard configuration options. All configuration and dictionary management must be done through the third-party tool, not from the ENPS rover menu.

You can re-enable the default spell-check for an individual workstation using a text editor such as Notepad by opening ENPSClient.exe.config and setting DisableSpellcheckerPlugIn to TRUE.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Used by ActiveX plugin developers to specify an alternate sequence for how instances of ActiveX plugins are terminated.

Enable this option in situations in which the plugin does not receive the command to terminate. This may occur with plugins that use the Windows Media Player control.

When this setting is disabled:

Set MyForm.ctrlGuest = Nothing

When this setting is enabled:


Set MyForm.ctrlGuest = Nothing


0 = Stories will be archived if they have not been modified for 30 days (default)

Setting a value in this field will determine the number of days you want content to live in your Storyboard before being archived.

For example, setting this to 5 means that all content that is older than five days will be archived.




Shut down third party processes down when the client closes. For example, if the Hewlett Packard Universal PostScript driver must be shut down before the client can be restarted. In that case this setting would be set to the HP driver file HPMUP081.BIN.



Express time in formats for frame-accurate automation systems. Users may also set this value in the Rundown properties.


- = (default)

Set the character used to separate Rundown Slugs and Segments.

Any character(s) except for the following:

_ < > : / \ | * ? " =


10 = (default)

Number of days to retain items in the Waste Bin. This does not apply to Top Line Messages which may be retained for 24 hours.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether UNC paths are supported in stories, Rundowns, and Planning Grids. In a story users will be able to open paths with the format of:

\\{machinename} or \\{IP address}

See also FTPDetect and FileDetect settings.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Controls how the greater-than > character is sent in the MOS element tags of outbound MOS messages. By default if there is a greater-than symbol inside of the MOS message's start and end tags the ENPS Client will send it as &gt; such as:

<fieldname attribute="&lt;test&gt; VALUE&lt;/test&gt;">UP>&gt;DOWN </fieldname>

If this option is enabled the ENPS Client will send the actual > character such as:

<fieldname attribute="&lt;test> VALUE&lt;/test>">UP&gt;DOWN</fieldname>

The behavior of other characters in MOS messages will not be affected. This setting may also be enabled in the \NOM\NOM.INI file on the ENPS WORK drive. If the setting does not exist in either location the option will be disabled.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Set whether the ENPS Client should use Unicode. This is necessary in languages like Chinese to ensure that Forward Searching and highlighting are enabled in agency wires.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Display a table in the Rundown properties that allows users to define when the ENPS Client can start sending messages to specific MOS devices.



The ENPS Client does not allow login names containing spaces and certain reserved characters. To work with legacy systems where spaces are used in names set this setting to a replacement character such as a hyphen. Spaces in usernames will be converted to the specified character for internal ENPS use.

As of ENPS 9.3, this setting should only be used in the Global Configuration table and not in the client configuration table.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Controls how the ENPS Client responds to <roReqAll> messages from MOS devices. By default, ENPS responds to <roReqAll> message with an <roListAll> message which list all MOS-active Rundowns on the ENPS server.

If this option is enabled the <roListAll> will only contain MOS-active Rundowns for the device which is requesting it.

For information on MOS Protocol messages refer to


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled


Enhanced formatting options on story toolbars such as bold, italics, underline, and font colors. To enable this option you must also enable the XMLstorage settingin the NOM.ini Settings.

For sites running both ENPS 6 and ENPS 8 or later clients on the same system at the same time, it is strongly recommended that UseRTFtext be set to 1. This setting is not required by the ENPS 8 client, but is intended to minimize any possible incompatibilities between ENPS 8 and the older, non-RTF data format in current production content.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Optimize the appearance of stories which Turkish or Russian codepages in v6 client.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Allow users to see when a MOS Item Reference in a story refers to a MOS Object that was deleted from the associated MOS folder.

If you enable this setting open the MOS Configuration table and check the ValidateMOSObject column for each MOS device to which this setting should be applied.

Once this setting is enabled, the ENPS Client checks for the MOS Object when an archived story is dragged and dropped into an active Rundown or a Rundown's MOS Control Active property is selected. If the object is not found the ENPS Client will grey out the MOS item Reference in the story.

This setting should only be enabled for MOS devices that send object messages to the ENPS Client. It should not be used with devices, such as the majority of character generators, that do not send MOS objects to the ENPS Client.


2.6 = (default)

Version of the MOS protocol used for communicating with any MOS device for which a specific value is not entered in the MOS Configuration Table.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Enables preview of wire stories in the Alert Bar and Urgent Wires flyout pane.


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Once enabled allows groups to write to archives.