Install Client

Workstations that already have the ENPS Client installed will automatically update when your site upgrades to a newer version of ENPS.

However, the first installation of ENPS Client on a workstation must be performed manually. This includes workstations already running ENPS 6 or earlier clients.


Ensure that the client workstations meet all Client Requirements.

Ensure that any required configuration changes are made to the ENPSClient.exe.config file on the server. See the Pre-rollout settings for details.

Once the client has been rolled out, you can make any additional workstation-specific changes to the ENPSClient.exe.config file on each workstation.


Once all preparations have been made, install the ENPS Client by running the following command on a client workstation:


where <PRIMARYSERVERNAME> is the name of your site's Primary Server.

Make any additional workstation-specific changes in ENPSClient.exe.config file on each workstation in the C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\ENPS CLIENT folder. See the Post-rollout settings for details.


Client-side settings are contained in the ENPSClient.exe.config file, by default stored in the client installation folder at D:\ENPS\v7 or F:\ENPS\v7.


The following settings should be modified in the ENPSClient.exe.config file on the server, if needed, prior to client installations.



Endpoint address

The address for a valid instance of the NOMWebService3. This should be in the format:



where <servername>.<domain> is the name of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the NOMWebService host machine.

By default this should be pointing at your site's Primary Server, but this can be changed if you have installed the NOMWebService on another server instead.


Automatically save stories as the user is working. Defaults to True.


Sets the maximum number of search results ENPS retrieves for any single Search location.

All content on a single server is considered one location; when searching multiple servers at once, Wires are considered their own location.

SearchMaxRows defaults to 200 and has a maximum value of 1500.


The length of time the client waits for a response when it first establishes communication with the Web Service.

The default value is 00:00:30.

Do not change this setting unless advised by AP ENPS Support.


The length of time the client waits for a response after it pings the Web Service to verify that the connection is still active.

The default value is 00:00:20.

Do not change this setting unless advised by AP ENPS Support.



Specify the IDs for the primary and secondary Web Services to which the client will connect.

To get the IDs for Web Services, check the System Maintenance > Services table.

PrimaryWebserviceID must be set to the ID for the Web Service that is specified by the endpoint address setting. If the client is unable to connect to that Web Service, it will attempt to connect to the one specified by SecondaryWebserviceId.

The client will only be able to connect to these endpoints if they are specified in the Services table as being version 9.


Saves the contents of the most recent print job in XPS format in the \ProgramData\ENPS\V7LOGs directory.

To enable this option, add the following setting and set it to a value of True:

<setting name="PrintDiagnostics" serializeAs="String">


Disables SignalR when set to True. The client then returns to pre-version 8.1 behavior with regards to real time updates.


Enables SignalR Trace Logging.

To enable, add the following setting to the ENPS.My.Settings node and set it to the desired value:

<setting name="SignalRLoggingLevel" serializeAs="String">

Available values:




No Logging.

Default is no value is specified


Message logging only.


Event logging only.


State changes only.


Verbose. All logging.

Recommended value.


The following settings will usually be edited in the ENPSClient.exe.config file on individual workstations after a client rollout.




If multiple users use the same workstation, setting this value to TRUE will re-prompt users for their login credentials each time the ENPS Client is opened.


Setting this value to True will store a log of MOS ActiveX messages. The log file is stored in C:\Users\<USERID>\AppData\Local\ENPS\LOGS. The filename will be the MOS ID with a .XML extension.

This should typically only be enabled on the advice of AP ENPS Support to assist with troubleshooting issues with ActiveX integration.


This setting is used as the wait duration between macro step execution. This allows the user to adjust the time to allow for webservice callbacks and UI renderings triggered by one macro command to complete before the start of the next command.

The default value is 0 and any higher value is converted to milliseconds. The recommended starting value is 100.

Do not apply unless users are reporting issues of complex macros not running correctly. This will put the delay into every macro step that a user runs.

The location of the app.config setting is:

        <setting name="MacroExecutionWaitDuration" serializeAs="String">


When this value is set to the default value of False the client will listen on the appropriate ports as determined by the server settings.

When this value is set to True the client will listen on the standard UDP broadcast ports.


This setting increases or decreases the resolution of printed items from ENPS.

The default value is 200.


The number of milliseconds the client waits before displaying a gray screen in Rundowns while processing updates. Sites that are experiencing performance issues may choose to increase this setting.

The default setting is 500.


When set to True, this setting enables improvements to printing Thai text.

The default setting is False.



When set to True, this causes ENPS to use Edge WebView2 as the embedded browser. This will be instantiated when a user either opens a new browser instance within the edit window or clicks on a URL in an ENPS object.

The Web2View runtime is regularly upgraded via Windows updates, ensuring any security loopholes are quickly closed down.

The default setting is False.


When WebView2 is set to False and UseCEF to True or not present, the ENPS client will use the version of Chromium shipped with ENPS as the browser rendering engine.

When both WebView2 and UseCEF are set to False, the ENPS client will use the version of Internet Explorer shipped with the client as the browser rendering engine. This is not recommended.

The default setting is True.