Breaking the MOS Link

The ENPS Server controls how MOS devices build their playlists based on Stories' pointers to media objects. In some extreme circumstances, such as a communication failure between the ENPS Server and the MOS device, it may be necessary for the MOS device operator to take manual control of the device's playlist. In this unlikely event, the MOS operator can use the device's control screen to control the video playlist manually. This is a failsafe action and should not be used frequently.

Once communication between the ENPS Server and the MOS device is restored, the ENPS Server will detect that manual changes have been made to the MOS device's playlist and the ENPS Server will break the control link with the MOS device. The link between the ENPS Server and the MOS device can be re-established quickly by clicking MOS Control Active button on the Rundown Ribbon. When this is done, the playlist on the MOS device will be deleted and rebuilt. Some MOS devices can do this re-synchronization without going offline, but other MOS devices will be unable to play media while this is happening and this step should only be done during a commercial break. See your MOS vendor's documentation for more information.