News Wire Profiler Settings

In addition to customizing news wires in the News Wire Profiler (NWP) tool, you can also do so by editing the \NWP\NWP.INI file on the ENPS WORK drive.

It is recommended that you Contact Us before changing these settings. Once you make a change to this file you must restart the NWP for your changes to take effect.







20 = (default)

Number of UDP messages transmitted per second to the NWP.

To adjust, calculate the value prior to changing it: take the number of reflectors in use and add 1. Take that sum and multiply it by the number of wire stories received per second at peak. Enter that total in as the value.



1 = English news wires (default)

2 = Non-English news wires

Allow support for non-English feeds. Port 10517 may be automatically used in addition to 10512 for UDP datagrams. Make sure this setting is the same for both the client's ENPS.INI and in the \NWP\NWP.INI on the ENPS WORK drive.



0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether the NWP sends UDP broadcast messages to the local subnet. This option should be enabled to ensure clients receive Rundown and wire updates properly.



0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Determines whether the NWP can ingest wires in XLS format.

For diagnostic purposes, you can configure the NWP to re-ingest previously captured data from a text file. Open a wire, clear the Active checkbox, and press Ctrl + T.

See Working with XSLT files for more information about XLS in ENPS.



Three digit category codes separated by semi-colons. For example: 021;033;504

Semi-colon delimited list of category codes to discard.



0 = Disabled (default)

Specifies how many of the most-recent incoming wires will be checked for duplicates. Duplicates are defined as stories which have identical slugs and the same text after the wire header. Any duplicates identified within the threshold will be discarded (only the first story received is retained).



0.084 = Minimum (around 5 seconds)

5 = (default)

2000 = Maximum

Number of minutes the NWP polls FTP wire files.



9999 = (default)

Number of minutes the NWP polls FTP wire files.



4096 = (default)

Maximum packet size in characters for UDP messages when Unicode is enabled.



1000 = (default)

2000 = Required setting

Maximum number of wire story headers stored in each cached-header file (i.e., d_all_ext).

While the default value is 1000, the required setting is 2000 in order for Urgent Wires and Forward Searches to be displayed properly in the Wire Alerts flyout.



No default.

Maximum number of wires supported on this server.



ID number.

ID number for the wire programming tables.



1000 = (default)

How often to check serial ports for updated information, in milliseconds.



Wires' three digit category codes, separated by semi-colons.

Semicolon-delimited list of category codes for which you want wire stories with "urgent" priority to appear as non-urgent stories.



10512 = (default)

Port to which UDP datagrams are sent in Broadcast mode.



0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Allows ingestion of RSS feeds as a wire. Enabling will add a new RSS option under the File > New Wire menu.



0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Unicode formatting. If this option is enabled you also need to change MaxSocketPacket to 4096 (Standard Windows default).



0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

Preview wires that contain Unicode characters beyond &h58F in the News Wire Profiler window.



0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled (default)

This setting must be enabled in both the NOM and NWP configuration settings.



10 = (Recommended)

Number of minutes before the NWP restarts the NNTP process if it stops.

It is recommended that you set this value to 10 then change it as needed.


168 = (Maximum) (1 week)

Number of hours before wires are removed from the server.



IP addresses.

The NWP uses UDP broadcast to send dynamic updates to the webservice. You may need to add the address of individual ENPS servers, or the broadcast address of subnets housing ENPS servers, if your users need to see wire updates when logged into webservices other than their home server. This may include your mobile servers.

To prevent message duplication only one reflector should be active on a given subnet.

Each Reflector IP address should be entered on its own line.



Wire provider codes.

For example:

  • APX=AP Express

  • APD=AP Datafeature

  • APJ=AP-Dow Jones

Wire# sections for specific wires


8784 = (Maximum)

Number of hours to save wire copy.

Wire# sections for specific wires


File extensions that may be sent via FTP.

Only files with extensions will be downloaded. Files without extensions will not be downloaded by the FTP.

Wire# sections for specific wires


0 = Disabled (default)

1 = Enabled

In some cases XML wires in may be sent without a byte order mark indicating they are UTF-8. Once this setting is enabled the NWP will be able to ingest those wires properly.