MOS Configuration

Use these settings to configure how ENPS communicates with MOS-enabled production systems and/or to use HTML5 and ActiveX plugins in the ENPS Client.

MOS-enabled systems include video servers, audio servers, still stores, character generators and other broadcast production systems.

See also:





A MOS device's unique identifier (its MOS ID). If you are configuring a MOS-enabled production system, such as a video server, this ID should match the ID that is configured within that system.

Use the following format when you create a MOS ID:

<vendor>.<product>.<site ID>.<enterprise>.<mos>

This is called a fully-qualified MOS ID. It is important to use fully-qualified IDs to ensure compatibility between ENPS and MOS devices. An example of a fully-qualified MOS ID is aveed.server2.camden.wtn.mos

By default, MOS IDs are case-sensitive although this behavior can be changed by disabling the Global Configuration Option CASESENSITIVEMOS. See Global Configuration Options for more information.


Description of the device or plugin. This text will be displayed to users in ENPS menus.


For MOS 2.x versions this is the IP address or resolvable name of the MOS device. For MOS version 3.x or higher this is a URL pointing to the .ASMX file on the MOS device.

For MOS 4.x this is the URL for the MOS Device address, which will be a secure connection that uses either the WebSocket (ws) scheme over http or WebSocket Secure (wss) scheme over https.


If the plugin is HTML5, enter ENPSHTMLHost or the value advised by the system’s vendor.

If you are configuring an ActiveX plugin, this field specifies the name of the plugin from the Windows Registry.

If the default custom Microsoft Internet Explorer ActiveX that ships with the ENPS client is required, enter NCWeb.ctrlBrowse. Check the vendor's documentation for more information.

Refer to Detached ActiveX Windows for information about the default display behavior for the plugin window.


Name of the ENPS group in which MOS object messages will be stored.

If you are configuring an ActiveX control that does not connect to a server which sends MOS object pointers to the ENPS server, do not select a group.

Do not select any group where users are creating content. Examples: News, Programming. Instead create a MOS group or a group specific to the MOS device.

Default Settings

Parameters that may be required by the HTML5/ActiveX control. Check the vendor's documentation for more information.

Typically, this will contain the based URL used by the HTML5 plugin in the format of URL=<page address>. For example: URL=<>

If using NCWeb.ctrlBrowse control, you can hide the browser address bar and/or status bar by adding the following settings, using as separators. For example:


MOS Version

MOS protocol version to use with this device or plugin.

If you leave this field blank ENPS will use the MOS version specified by the Version setting in the NOM.ini Settings.

Local DragDrop

In most configurations this option should be set to Off since it can interfere with the mouse control in the plugin.

Modal UI ActiveX


Run a plugin in a modal window rather than in the lower Editing Window. When using plugins defined by this field, users are forced to perform an action in the window before they can continue using the ENPS Client.

Where a MOS plugin has been defined in both the ActiveX and Modal Active settings, the plugin will be opened modally when the objSlug/mosAbstract rundown columns are double-clicked, and in an edit window when a MOS Item Reference in a story is double-clicked.

To enable this feature, re-enter the control's name from the ActiveX column such as NCWeb.ctrlBrowse. Users can also open the plugin in a modal window using the MOS menu on the story ribbon. Users can open the plugin by selecting the MOS icon on the NavBar.

Modal UI Default Settings

Only used if a control name is specified in Modal UI ActiveX.

Although typically the same setting as defined for the Default Settings column, you should check the vendor’s documentation.

Auto Create

Determines whether Rundowns on this device will be able to create placeholders for MOS objects automatically.

Username, Password

Credentials sent to the plugin from the ENPS Client. These settings may be left blank if login authentication is not required.

These fields are also used for MOS 4.0 Basic authentication for devices that are configured with an endpoint that uses a WebSocket Secure connection.

Read Only

Ensures that no MOS messages (e.g. roCreate, roElementAction) are sent to that MOS device, even where its MOS item references are present within a MOS-Active rundown.


User-friendly name for a MOS device to display instead of the fully-qualified MOS ID. This name will appear in the drop-down boxes for the Autocreate and Object Placeholder Create columns in Rundowns and Planning Grids.

Story Send

Determines whether the system will be sent MOS StorySend messages. These messages represent the entire story including text, selected fields, production commands and pointers to MOS objects. StorySend messages are required by prompters and often by automation systems.

If this column is not selected only references to the device’s objects will be sent to that device.

Check the vendor's documentation to find out if this setting should be enabled.

RO Limit

Limit the number of Read-only Rundowns that can be created for this device. If this value is left at the default value of 0 there is no limit.

Object Type

Select Audio, Still, or Video.

This field can be used to determine how the MOS pointer is displayed; it may be left blank.

Object Groups

Name of groups, typically for different shows, into which MOS objects will be sorted.

The groups will appear as subfolders of the Program/Group that is selected in the MOS Configuration table for a particular device. This allows MOS objects to be routed to different sub-folders automatically. Separate each entry with the pipe | character.

Users will be able to select the group from the Object Placeholder Create column.

Archive Only

Rather than dynamic messages being sent each time a rundown is changed, a single ‘snapshot’ of the rundown (roCreate and roStorySend messages) is sent to the device when the rundown is archived in ENPS.

If you use this setting make sure the Story Send column is also selected. This option can be useful if your organization uses a MOS-enabled Content Management System (CMS).

Detached ActiveX

To run a ActiveX/HTML5 plugin in its own window copy the name from the ActiveX column here. If a different plugin is used in detached mode, enter the control's name from the Windows registry here.

Refer to Detached ActiveX Windows for information about the default display behavior for the ActiveX/HTML5 window.

Detached Default Settings

Although this is typically the same parameters that are defined for the Default Settings column the settings may be different for detached plugins.

Check the vendor's documentation for more information.

Use Detached

Controls whether the ActiveX/HTML5 plugin is displayed in a separate window. Refer to Detached ActiveX Windows for more information.

Note that as of ENPS 9, a detached ActiveX plugin will by default run in its own process space meaning that if the plugin should crash, it will no longer take ENPS down with it.

Run Detached In-process

Check this box if you wish the detached ActiveX plugin to be hosted in pre-v9 legacy mode. This means that if the plugin unexpected closes, the ENPS client will also close.

Raw Content

Send all story content to the MOS device, including from below a story's black line.


Set the color used to display MOS Item References. The numbers displayed represent the color's RGB values.

Export Formatted Text

Determine whether rich text formatting such as bold, underline, and italics will be sent to the device in MOS StorySend messages. This column has a drop-down menu with three choices:

  • Off - do not include rich text formatting.

  • Basic - include basic rich text formatting such as bold, italics and underline. Other formatting, such as strikethrough text, will be omitted.

  • Extended - Include all rich text formatting.

Validate MOS Objects

Verify that a referenced MOS object exists when a story is opened or a Rundown's MOS Control Active property is selected.

If the object is not found the MOS Item Reference will turn gray.

Do not enable this setting on devices such as character generators that typically do not send MOS object messages to the ENPS Client.

Block ItemChannel

Ignore channel assignments created by the MOS device. If this option is selected users may need to manually select channel assignments.

This setting is often recommended to improve performance at sites with high MOS traffic.

Status Time Local

Control how the ENPS Client processes time values in inbound MOS Status messages that do not have a time zone specified.

If this option is enabled the ENPS Client will use the same time zone as the ENPS server. If this option is disabled GMT will be used as the time zone.

Timing Bar Position

Sends the position of the On Air timing bar to the MOS device. If this box is checked, the ENPS Client will send two messages whenever the timing bar is moved:

  • <roElementStat element="STORY">will be sent with<status>STOP</status>for the story the timing bar was on previously. The required<time>element will reflect the time when the timing bar was moved. This does not apply to when the Rundown is initially engaging the timing function and the timing bar is being moved to the first story.
  • <roElementStat element="STORY">will be sent with<status>PLAY</status>for the story the timing bar is currently on. The required<time>element reflects the time that the timing bar was moved and will be the same as in the message above. This would not apply when the timing bar is advanced to the Rundown black line or when a user resets the ENPS timing by hitting Alt + Space.

If the option Prevent Manual Bar Movement is enabled in the Rundown properties, the above messages should still be sent out to all relevant MOS devices except the one driving the timing bar. This setting requires MOS 2.8.x/3.8.x or greater.


Specify whether the MOS device can be searched from the ENPS client (subject to support in the device).

This functionality requires two-way network connectivity on TCP Port 10542 between all instances of the WebService and the MOS device.

Preserve External Metadata

When checked, ENPS will accept multiple MOS External Metadata (MEM) blocks within MOS Item References sent by this MOS server.

Browser Type

As of v9.4, ENPS supports use of Edge WebView2 and Chromium rendering engines for HTML5 MOS plugins, in addition to Internet Explorer.

Choose the type recommended by your plugin provider.


If checked for a MOS version 4.0 device, ENPS will not permit WebSocket connection requests from the MOS device for incoming messages.

It will instead create the WebSocket incoming message channels by requesting these connections on the MOS Device.