Private Channels

SignalR is a reliable end to end mechanism used by webservices to send real-time updates to the ENPS client.

A workstation with a private channel receives updates from the NOM directly instead of via the webservice. You can use private channels if certain mission-critical workstations such as CG or prompter machines have had problems receiving updates.

Complete the following steps to create a private channel:

  1. Find the MAC address for the workstation you want to connect via private channel:

    1. Open a command prompt on the workstation.

    2. Enter the following:

      ipconfig /all

      The MAC address is identified by the Physical Address.

  2. Open System Maintenance > MAC Addresses.

  3. Click New to create a new entry and enter the following information:




    Workstation's MAC address.

    Because MAC addresses vary this field may also contain a list of pre-authorized dial-up IP addresses or IP ranges separated by semicolons.

    Any hyphens in MAC addresses must be removed when entering the address into the table.


    NetBIOS machine name for the server to which the workstation will connect.

    Private Channels

    Re-enter the NetBIOS server name.

    In rare cases when updates from multiple servers are required you can enter multiple server names separated by a semicolon. There should be no more than five Private Channels for each pair of Primary and Buddy Servers.


    The field cannot be left blank. You can enter a single character such as a period "." or enter a unique number in this field that will help you identify the channel later.


  4. Click Save and close the table.

  5. If the Primary Server you are working on is not your organization's Central Server:

    1. Open NOM Maintenance (Maint).

    2. Select Window > Synchronization.

    3. Click Sync Now.

    4. Open News Object Manager (NOM) and select File > Reload Global tables.

  6. Restart the ENPS Client on the private channel workstation.

Workstations set up to work with private channels will not use SignalR.

If a private channel connection is lost it will be re-established automatically. A dialog box will appear in the client stating that the connection was lost and suggesting that the open items (e.g. rundowns and stories) be manually refreshed in case updates arrived during the connection loss.