System Fields

The System Fields table stores a set of default metadata fields that are used throughout ENPS.

For example, the Segment field configures various elements of the Segment column in a rundown in the ENPS Client, such as:

  • Default Caption - the column label

  • Just - how the column text is justified

  • Validation - the data type used in the column

Override a System Field

The System Fields table is read-only, but in some circumstances you may wish to override the default configuration. For example, you may want to word wrap the text in the Segment column in a rundown in the ENPS Client.

This can be achieved by copying the field in the System Fields table to the ENPS Fields table - also called the local fields table. ENPS will then always reference the field in the local fields table rather than the field in the System Fields table.

To override a field in the System Fields table:

  1. Select the field in the table.

  2. Click the Override button.

    This copies the field to the local fields table and changes your view to that table.

    If the Override button is greyed out then either:

    1. ENPS does not allow customization of the field.

    2. The field has already been copied to the local fields table - look to check.

  3. Change the field in the local fields table as desired.

    For example, tick the WordWrap option to add word wrapping to the Segment column text in the ENPS Client:

  4. Click Save.

Relaunch the ENPS Client for the change to take effect. In the word wrapping example:


The following describes the parameters used for fields in the System Fields table and the local fields table.




System identifier for the custom field.

Use letters and numbers only. Users will not be able to locate an ID using search if is contains any of the following characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = + _’

Read Only

Specify whether the field allows input.

Read Only Criteria

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Default Caption

Field name to display to users

A translation in the Languages table will override this value.


Left, center or right text justification.


Determines how to verify that information is entered in the correct format.

Refer to Validation Options for details.


Choices appear in a pull-down list. Use the pipe "|" character to delimit choices. For example: VO|VOSOT|RDR|PKG|LIVE

Default Value

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Visibility Criteria

Reserved field not used by ENPS.


Specify whether the field is required.


Width in pixels for the default column display.


Maximum number of characters that may be entered in the field.


Force text to uppercase.

MinVal, MaxVal

Minimum and maximum values for a numeric entry.


Not used.


Select the ENPS functions that will display this field:

  • Story - Story property
  • RO Column - Rundown column
  • RO Property - Rundown properties field, e.g. the On Air checkbox
  • NG Column - Planning Grid column
  • NG Property - Planning Grid property
  • Event Sheet - Planning Grid column that displays information in a grid
  • Contacts - Contact field
  • Story Header - Appears at the top of stories
  • Story Front - Appears just below the story header
  • Extended - Not used by ENPS.
  • System - Not used by ENPS.


Protect field's value from changes after an initial value is entered.


Order number for fields to appear in the ENPS component such as the story property fields. When you have a group of related fields you can assign sequential numbering so that these fields remain in a consistent order.


ID of a parent field. Fields with this entry are indented under their parent field.


Allow the field to be located through a Search. Selecting this option adds the field to the Search box's Corporate Content tab.

The first word entered in these fields can be found using the field search box under <Site name> Content tab of the Search window. Anything after the first space can be found using "Words in Text." For example, if a user's Search string is "Acme Hotel Fire" you could find this story by doing a field search for "Acme" or a Words in Text search for "hotel" or "fire."


Allows a user to gain an edit lock on a cell inside a Rundown or Planning Grid..

Word Wrap

Specify whether text should wrap around to the next line when a word reaches the edge of a column.

Extract Target

Extract information from Anchor, CG and Notes columns. The fields Take Other and Insert Other can extract data from the TAKE and INSERT commands, respectively.

Approval Extension

Determines whether multiple approvals will be required before an item is cleared for broadcast. You can create multiple fields set as Rundown columns and set this property for each field. Once those fields are created the Final Approval column becomes read-only. It will be automatically selected only when all of the Approval Extension fields have been checked. If any of the fields are not selected, or if story contents change, the Final Approval column will be automatically de-selected. The ability to select specific Approval Extension fields can be associated with specific security levels after you enable the Global Configuration Option EnforceSecurityLevels.

Autosize Width

Automatically adjust the width if the field is a Rundown column.

MOS Send

Send the field via MOS roStorySendmessages when the Rundown's MOS Control Active property is enabled.


Specify whether the user can add MOS tags to a summary MOS item or to a MOS item in a story from the Rundown level.


Allows this field to appear as a value option in Report Configuration pages.


Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Field Group

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Central DB

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Storyboard Property

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Topic Property

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Assignment Property

Reserved field not used by ENPS.

Resthook Trigger

Flag to indicate that a change to this field will trigger a notification by all Webhooks configured for the parent object type.

Validation Options

The following describes each of the Validation options used for fields in the System Fields table and the local fields table.




Text input from user.


Drop-down list of choices. The user can either leave this entry blank select one of the choices in the menu. By default, the top line is blank to clear a previously selected choice.


Checkbox that can be selected or unselected.


Drop-down checklist that allows users to select multiple options.


Drop-down checklist that allows users to enter a field manually.


Converts a numerical entry to a duration. If the user enters 2 is converted to :02.


Specify whether the field requires a numerical value.


Require a date. If a user types 12-23-10 it is converted to 12/23/10. Entering 122310 would cause an error.


Time entry. 7:00 will be converted to 7:00:00 AM. Entering 700 produces an error.


Planning Grid column into which users may drag items such as Microsoft Word DOC and Adobe PDF files.

Background and Assign Info are examples of Collection fields.


A form with multiple rows. Each row may have its own unique parameters, labels and validation. To define a row enter:

label, validation, length, extract column

Each entry must be separated by commas. Values may be left empty but a comma must be still be added as a placeholder for the field parameter.

Add the pipe character | to mark the beginning of a new row. For example:

Who,Text,10|What,Text,10|Date,Date,10,Date |Length,Duration,10,EstDuration

If you want to create a form for an Event Sheet refer to the Validation field type Special below.


Used the same way as the Form type above but used only for Event Sheets which display grids when double-clicked from Planning Grids. The validation is case-sensitive.

When this field is exported via MOS StorySend or Publishing, XML-based formatting will be applied. Fields with the validation type of Special appear as repeating elements named after the field. Each will contain child elements named after the subfield column headings as in the following example for two rows of "Costs" data:

<Costs><Date>11/11/2002</Date><Amount>44 </Amount><Other>333</Other></Costs><Costs>;



Tree fields cannot be used in RO Property or NG Property field types

Provides nested options, with parent and child choices. Once Tree is selected in the Validation column click in the List field and enter the desired values for the drop down menus.

Values at the top level of the hierarchy are separated by the “|” (pipe) character.

Values beneath that top level are denoted by the “\” (backslash) character.

The “+”character is used to indicate that a value belongs a step further down the tree and “-“ that the value is a step up through the hierarchy.

To produce the following options, you should enter:

ENGLAND\London\+\North London\South London\-\Birmingham\Bristol\Manchester|NORTHERN IRELAND\Belfast\Derry|SCOTLAND\Aberdeen\Edinburgh\Glasgow|WALES\Cardiff\Swansea

Note that Tree fields cannot be used in RO Property or NG Property field types.


Allows the user to select two choices from a drop-down list. Choices are specified in the List separated by pipe characters "|" such as:



Display a table when the user clicks on the column. The table is defined by the List entries. List entries of "Tape Name|Tape Number" will result in a two-column, two-row table with rows "Tape Name" and "Tape Number."

MOS DateTime, Duration, Automation, Automation Duration

Allow user to add custom tags which can be read by MOS devices.


Prompts the user to type the username of an ENPS user or multiple usernames separated by commas.


Reserved type not used by ENPS.


Reserved type not used by ENPS.


Reserved type not used by ENPS.


Reserved type not used by ENPS.