ENPS Mobile allows you to view content from your personal folder and any group folder in your ENPS system, subject to your ENPS access privileges.
Personal and Home Folders
Click on the Personal folder icon in the Navigation panel to display the contents of your ENPS personal folder.
Click on the Home folder icon in the Navigation panel to display the contents of your ENPS Home folder.
You can scroll down the list (if needed) and click on any item to view it.
The folder view will automatically update as new content is added. If needed, you can also click the Refresh icon at the bottom of the panel to manually update the folder list.
If your folder contains subfolders, the Folder panel will display a small triangular icon next to the title of the folder. Click the icon to display a list of available subfolders. Click any subfolder to view its contents.
Enterprise Folders
Clicking the Enterprise Browser icon will display a list of available servers
and/or server groups
(if your organization is using server groups).
Click the server group name to display the servers in that group. Click the server name to display all the folders available. Click a folder to view its contents.
If your folder contains subfolders, the folder panel will display a small triangular icon next to the title of the folder. Click the icon to display a list of available subfolders. Click any subfolder to view its contents.
To search the folders enter text in the Find textbox at the top of the folder panel.
To filter the content click on the filter icon at the bottom of the folder panel and choose from the options:
All Types (this clears any of the other filters)
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