Election Files

You have two choices for where to locate your election files: an election group or your regular news group. You will need sufficient access privileges to modify group settings.

You can create a new group for elections only. The main benefit of this option is that you can more tightly control who can edit or make changes to the election. The disadvantages for this method are that you will have to copy the CG templates into the election group folder or have the CG operator homed to the election group.

Locating your Election

To locate your files in a specific group:

  1. Open the System Maintenance server app.

  2. Open Groups.

  3. Locate the group you want to use.

    If you want to use a new group:

    1. Click to add a new row.

    2. Enter an ID, Description and Server for the new group.

  4. Ensure that the checkbox is ticked in the Election column of the group you want to use.

  5. Restart the ENPS client for the selected group's election capability to become active.

When you navigate to the group you will see that you now have the option for New Election when you right-click on the group you previously enabled for Elections.

Access Privileges

Administrators can restrict access to elections in the same way they regulate access for Stories and Rundowns.

Go into System Maintenance and select Security. Locate the Election column and you will find the following choices for Elections: None, Read approved, Read any, and Read-Write. If None is selected, users will be able to see the slug of the election, but will not be able to open it. Users who enter results will need read/write access. Although there is an entry for Read approved it is not relevant to elections.